Write research paper about the demographic transition model

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Reference no: EM131094032

You will write a research paper about the demographic transition model and global food production and distribution for a growing human population to meet global food security goals. You must use APA format for the paper and documentation.

Deliverable Length: About 3 pages

Include the following:

• Describe the demographic transition model and how it was developed by demographers.
• Describe the 4 phases of demographic transition.

o For each phase, compare crude birth rates (CBR) to crude death rates (CDR), and state whether the population is stable, growing, or declining in each.

• According to demographers, what factors lead to a decline of the CDR in phase two and the CBR in phase three of the demographic transition?

• Briefly describe 3 living conditions in developed countries that have reached phase four, and contrast them with these same conditions in developing countries that remain in earlier phases.

o Note: When comparing and contrasting, include details for each of the entities being compared and contrasted. For example, if comparing availability of clean water in a developed country, contrast availability of clean water in a developing country.

• Research and describe a program for developing countries that would help improve 1 of the 3 conditions that you compared.

• Food security means that everyone has an adequate amount of nutritious food to lead healthy lives. Research and describe 1 specific program that helps developing countries reach food security goals.



FAQs: Human Population Growth & Phases

Question 1: What are the causes of the human population explosion?

Question 2: Where is the most rapid growth in population taking place? What are some of the social and environmental consequences of this growth?

Question 3: What is meant by demographic transition?

Question 4: Must a society modernize for the fertility rate to stabilize?

Question 5: Why do families in developing nations tend to be much larger than families in developed nations?

Reference no: EM131094032

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