Write research paper about erm topic of your choice

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132374220

Over the course of this semester, you will be asked to write a research paper about an ERM topic of your choice. The research paper development will consist of: (a) research paper topic (defining the topic of your research/why research is needed on the topic), (b) annotated bibliography (finding literature about the topic), (c) draft research paper (producing a draft paper based on the research topic/lit. review) and (d) final research paper (improving on the draft and writing a final paper). This week you will submit the research paper topic, please use the template provided.

The research topic paper should present a general research topic about ERM, narrow the topic down to a specific topics (subtopics) and then frame/explore an issue related to the specific topic. You should present and develop an argument concerning the issue.

Submit a 800 (minimum) word paper (about 3 pages) in which you provide a discussion on a ERM topic of your choice.

Assignment Requirements:

Submitted work is to be proofread carefully and should not exhibit mechanical errors, such as spelling mistakes. Grammar should be checked for accuracy prior to submission. Students should select a writing style that is appropriate for the genre: for academic genres, an appropriate scholarly style is required. Proper citations, professional vocabulary in the field of study, and application of the concepts presented in the course texts are expected in each assignment.

All assignments must be original work. Plagiarism or verbatim copying of sources without proper attribution (so-called "cut and paste") will result in failing the assignment and potentially failing the course; it can also lead to disciplinary sanctions from the college.

Papers are to be written in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman 12 pt. font with standard margins, double-spaced.

Citations and the Reference List do not count in the page or word limit as indicated for each assignment.

Reference no: EM132374220

Questions Cloud

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Write research paper about erm topic of your choice : Write a research paper about an ERM topic of your choice. The research paper development will consist of annotated bibliography, draft research paper
Impact of cloud computing on global economy : Impact of cloud computing on global economy.
The systems development life cycle : The Systems Development Life Cycle, Measurable Organizational Value, Project teams and project planning, including GANTT Charts
Creating strategic plans to mitigate risks and developing : Identifying potential risks to information, weighing those risks, creating strategic plans to mitigate risks and developing those plans into specific policies.
Meaning reverse the first steps in simplified des encrypt : Let temp_block denote Sage variable that contains output of first application of function fK (f_K in the Sage example code) while encrypting with Simplified DES


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