Write report on robotics

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Reference no: EM131483303 , Length: word count:2500

Assessment Details Assessment item - Report

Make 2500 words, report on robotics.

The report is to be based on the following case study scenario about the use of Robotics.

The term Robotics refers to the design, development and use of robots which are automated machines that can accomplish a range of tasks in a variety of scenarios. Robots were first commercialised when they were integrated into factory assembly lines in order to streamline and improve manufacturing productivity. The first popular application of robotics was in the car industry. In the 21st Century, robots have increasingly been used to complete tasks that may be unsafeortedious for humans this has led to the integration of robots into the mining and transportation industries and the military. The use of robots is expected to double by the year 2020. This will impact on how businesses operate and the economies of countries across the world (New Media Consortium, 2016).

Increasingly robots are also being used in the home. One of the most popular applications is that of the robot vacuum cleaner. Other robots that are increasing in popularity are gutter cleaners and lawn mowers.

There is significant interest in how work environments will be affected by the growing dependence on robots and on how to ensure that they are autonomous, safe, and economical. In Queensland the State Government has introduced a program into State Schools that is designed to teach students coding and robotics from an early age. Referred to as #coding counts this action plan for education in Queensland is designed to prepare students for jobs of the future (Queensland Government, 2016).

It is argued that outreach programs such as #coding counts can make students better problem solvers through promoting robotics and programming. It is also felt that interaction with humanoid robots may help learners with learning disabilities to develop better communication strategies and social skills.

Whilst robots can make some work environments safer there are also potential problems. Is it ethically and morally responsible to manufacture robot workers that have the potential to take jobs from human workers? What happens when a robot hurts or injures a human or destroys property? Who is responsible, the manufacturer of the robot, the programmer who wrote the code to operate the robot, or the person who bought it and set it to work? There are also potential security problems. How can you prevent a robot being hacked and having someone take over control of the robot to commit a crime?

You are the ICT Manager of a small Artificial Intelligence company based in Brisbane. Your organisation has interests in the use of robotics for domestic use and in mining, transport and manufacturing industries across Australia. The organisation is already using robotics as a small but growing sideline business. But the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) would like to investigate how to make it a key enabler to achieve competitive advantage against your company's rivals. Your organisation is now considering further diversification over the next five years, leveraging ICT as a core competency. Its plans include expanding the organisation's operations within Australia and into the Asian region. The CEO of your organisation is interested in how to leverage the use of robotics as one of the key technologies to be considered as a part of this expansion strategy. However, she is aware of both positive and negative aspects of using robotics in the work and home environments.

The CEO has asked you to research robotic technology and its applications to be considered for the organisation's five year strategic plan. She wants you to write a report that outlines your findings and make some recommendations on how to leverage the use of robotics to improve your business. It will be presented to the next executive management meeting for consideration.

The report should address the following tasks:

1. Definition/s of robotic technology and the current use of robots. This investigation must consider different types of robots used in various industries and in different parts of the world. As a minimum, consider the industries currently in your organisation's business scope and the industries the organisation is considering to enter in the next five years when it plans to expand across Australian and into Asia (see case scenario). Your report must identify actual examples and should not just focus on generic uses of robotic technology.

2. Based on the findings from the previous section, propose how robotic technology could be incorporated into your organisation's operations in the future. Discuss both short term and long term options from both industry and geographical perspectives to implement the strategy in your organisation.

As a part of this analysis, consider the potential advantages and disadvantages of using robotic including various risks for the organisation and with respect to robotic technologies. As the ICT Manager of your organisation, you should focus on security and technology aspects as a priority, and propose potential solutions to overcome any disadvantages/risks identified in your analysis. Additionally, explore the ethical, social and legal considerations that your organisation should consider as a part of the proposed strategy, and discuss some solutions to overcome these issues.

Your analysis and proposed solutions in task 2 should lead to some recommendations at the end of your report. Make sure that the specific recommendations at the end of your report have been evaluatedas a part of your report discussion.

The report should be at a strategic level and must not consist of highly technical details as most of your readers are not from an information technology background.

Please note that you will need to make some assumptions about the organisation in order to write this report. These assumptions should match the information in the case study and not contradict with the objectives of the report. They should be incorporated in the introduction of your report when you describe the organization and outline the problem to be solved. Relevant assumptions should be incorporated when addressing task 2 above. Do not make assumptions that are not relevant or will not be used in your report discussion to avoid loss of marks.

Specifically your report should include the following (word count details are approximate guidelines only):

1. Title page: Unit code and name, assessment number, Report title, assessment due date, word count (actual),student name, student number, email address, campus lecturer/tutor, and Unit Coordinator. If applicable, add extension request ID and the new due date. Must be formatted to a standard required for a professional/business report. Check week 6 materials for example of a professionally formatted title page. Not included in the word count.

2. Executive summary: Should include the purpose of the report, the problem including key issues considered and how they were investigated, your findings, and overview of your recommendations. This part must not be longer than one (1) A4 page. Not included in the word count.

3. Table of Contents (ToC): should list the report topics using decimal notation. Needs to include the main headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers, using a format that makes the hierarchy of topics clear. Because you are including a ToC the report pages should be numbered in the footer as follows: title page has no page number; and main text to have Arabic numerals commencing at 1.Create the ToC using MS Word's ToC auto-generator rather than manually typing out the ToC.

4. Introduction: Provide a brief description of the organisation as given in the case scenario including any assumptions, a concise overview of the problem you have been asked to research, the main aims/purpose of the report, the objectives to be achieved by writing the report (include the tasks outlined in the case study) and how you investigated the problem. Provide an outline of the sections of the report. Should be approximately 300 words.

5. Body of the report (use appropriate headings in the body of the report.): Define key terms you will use in your report, such as what is meant by 'robotics'. Present your ideas on the topic and discuss the information you found in your research that was relevant to the report's objectives. Provide an analysis of the information that you gathered. Ensure that you explore the tasks listed in the case study scenario. In your discussion, examine the issues from a global perspective as well as from the local perspective (of the fictional organisation that is the centre of this report).

Do NOT use generic words such as 'Body, Body of the Report, Tasks' as section headings. Create meaningful headings and subheadings that reflect the topic and content of your report. Should be approximately 1600 words.

6. Conclusion: Restate the purpose of the report and key issues investigated and the related findings based on your research and analysis. Explain the significance of your findings for addressing the problem stated in the case scenario and any limitations. State how your report has achieved its objectives and any future work to be considered. Should be approximately 300 words.

7. Recommendations:(must be based on your findings and proposed solutions discussed in the body of the report) what would your recommendations be to your CEO and the executive management team in this situation? Provide some guidelines for the organisation with respect to the use of robotics as a future technology in your organisation. Should be approximately 300 words.

8. Reference list. Not counted in the word count.

9. Appendices if necessary. Not counted in the word count.

Murashov, V., Hearl, F., & Howard J. (2016). Working safely with robot workers: Recommendations for the new workplace. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 13(3), D61-D71, doi:10.1080/15459624.2015.1116700

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Reference no: EM131483303

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5/4/2017 12:32:53 AM

Australian student, 2500 words, I want to make a report on robotics, I have sent attached file with details. The report should be made using one reference on robotics and other reference on market trend. And there is some brief idea in one document. Smart Cities in Asia-Pacific by 2025. (2015, December 16). PR Newswire, p. PR Newswire. The report has to be submitted using the COIT20249 Moodle Unit website on or before the due date. The submission link can be accessed through the Assessment block. Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand.


5/4/2017 12:32:46 AM

The executive summary contained: a brief description of the purpose of the report, the definition of the problem, key issues explored, and how they were investigated, a summary of what you found and what you concluded and overview of your recommendations. Lists the report topics using decimal notation. Includes meaningful main headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers. Format makes the hierarchy of topics clear. Auto generated using MS Word. Set the scene for the report; gave some background information for the topic. Included a brief description of the organisation. Stated the objectives of the investigation. Included the problem you are addressing and the key issues to be explored. Explained the research method used to gather information. Outlined the sections of the report.


5/4/2017 12:32:38 AM

Selected exact amount of relevant material that supports argument with no contradictions. Substantial, logical, & concrete development of ideas. Arguments were logical and clear. Assumptions were made explicit. Key terms were defined. Details were germane, original, and convincingly interpreted. Problem restated clearly, main points and supporting arguments summarised. Stated the significance of the findings and that the objectives of the report had been met. No new material. Suggested specific actions to address the problem. Actions were clearly based on the findings of the report.


5/4/2017 12:32:19 AM

Correctly formatted recommendations based on report writing guidelines. Organisation fully supported the problem being addressed and the objectives of report. Sequence of ideas was effective. Excellent sentence structure. Well-constructed paragraphs; clear linkages between paragraphs. Title page contained all necessary information: Unit code, assessment number, report title, assessment due date, word count, student name, student number, email address, campus lecturer/tutor, and Unit Coordinator. Written expression was clear and correct; evidence of thorough proof-reading. Grammar excellent; correct use of punctuation; minimal or no spelling errors. Observed professional conventions of written English and report format. Formatted correctly in MS Word or compatible application using 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing and margins of 2.54 cm.


5/4/2017 12:32:00 AM

Each page (except Title page) is numbered. Thorough research indicated; clear well-thought out analysis clearly integrated into discussion. Analysed and evaluated information in great depth. Used references to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of ideas. Combined material from a variety of sources. Did not overuse quotes.ore than ten current references including more than six academic references; all references conformed to the Triple R framework. Thorough referencing. Citations and reference list accurate and consistent with APA referencing style.

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