Write report on information processing as a disruptive force

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Reference no: EM131149271

write a 2,000 word report on the following.

Information Processing as a Disruptive Force

Report should consider to what extent novel applications of information processing have created new markets and disrupted existing markets.

Report should address the following issues:

I.Explain what, according to the research literature, a disruptive innovation is.

II.Give two examples of a novel application of information processing that has successfully disrupted a market as well as two examples of a novel application of information processing that was aimed to disrupt a market but either failed or not yet succeeded to do so. Provide a brief account of how these novel applications of information processing succeeded or failed but more importantly explain why.

III.Give two examples that illustrate that information processing can also preserve markets or the market leadership of companies within a market. Again, provide a brief historical account but more importantly explain how information processing can help to preserve a market or market leadership.

IV.Give an overview of what, in general, the reasons are why a disruptive innovation, not necessarily in information processing, succeeds or fails.

V.Derive and justify your own conclusion to what extent information processing is a disruptive force or a preserving force in markets.

Also, take note of the following:
• The report must be prepared using a word-processor of your choice and must comply with the instructions for format and submission given below;

• The report must be well-structured;

•The report should be analytical, not just descriptive, in the coverage of the issues given above;

• You need to justify any statements/claims that you make and opinions that you state either by an argument or by citations and a references;

• Citations must be given in ordinal-number style, using square brackets, following the ordinal-number style introduced in the COMP110 lectures, practicals and tutorials;

• The list of references must be uniformly presented, again using the ordinal-number style introduced in the COMP110 lectures, entries must be sorted alphabetically and entries must contain all the information prescribed for various types of sources in the COMP110 lectures;

• Articles in scientific journals are the most highly valued type of source while websites/blogs are the least valued type of source; all other types of sources fall between these two extremes;

•References to and use of Wikipedia material is not allowed.


Your report should be about 2,000 words in length. The text should be typeset for A4 paper format, using a 12 point font, double spaced lines, with an inner margin of 1.5cm and an outer margin of at least 3.0cm.

The list of references does not count towards the word limit.

Reference no: EM131149271

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