Write r code that implement benjamini-hochberg procedure

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132080118

Need help writing a R code that implement Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to control  false discovery rate without using package.


Given the data below write  R code that implement Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to control  false discovery rate without using package.

Dietary variable

P value
Total calories <0.001
Olive oil 0.008
Whole milk 0.039
White meat 0.041
Proteins 0.042
Nuts 0.06
Cereals and pasta 0.074
White fish 0.205
Butter 0.212
Vegetables 0.216
Skimmed milk 0.222
Red meat 0.251
Fruit 0.269
Eggs 0.275
Blue fish 0.34
Legumes 0.341
Carbohydrates 0.384
Potatoes 0.569
Bread 0.594
Fats 0.696
Sweets 0.762
Dairy products 0.94
Semi-skimmed milk 0.942
Total meat 0.975
Processed meat 0.986

Reference no: EM132080118

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