Write program to use text file to create relative file

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1362756

A small mutual company wants you to create a program to randomly access the data on stocks it holds. Presently, the data are stored in a text file, each line of which contains the following: a stock code, which is an integer between 100 and 999; the stock's current price; the change in the stock's price since the last trading day; the highest price for the stock during the last year; and the lowest price for the stock during the last year.

Write a program that uses the text file to create a corresponding relative file. Translate the stock code to an appropriate relative record address. Then, the program should allow the users to randomly access the relative file. The user should be allowed to do the following:

a. Enter a stock code and then display all the information about the stock, appropriately labeled.
b. Add a new stock to the relative file.
c. Delete a stock from the relative file.
d. Change any of the data on the stock

Periodically, usually at the end of a trading day, the mutual fund company wants to update the relative file of stock data. Assume that the new data on the stocks is in a transaction file (stored as a text file) each line of which has the following data: the stock code and the new closing price. The program could also update the relative file. The user could do the following for each record in the transaction file:

a. Make a current price of the corresponding record in the relative file equal to the new closing price.
b. In the corresponding relative file record, make the price change equal to the difference between the old current value and the new current value.
c. If the new current value is greater than the year's highest price, replace the year's highest price with the new current value.
d. If the new current value is less than the year's lowest price, replace the year's lowest price with the new current value.

Reference no: EM1362756

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