Write program to perform arithmetic operations on fractions

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1363911

Write a program that lets the user perform arithmetic operations on fractions. Fractions are of the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to 0. Your program must be menu driven, allowing the user to select the operation (+, -, *, /) and input the numerator and denominator of each fraction. Your program must consist of at least the following functions:

a. Function menu: This function informs the user about the program's purpose, explains how to enter data, and allows the user to select the operation.
b. Function addFractions: This function adds two fractions together (or you can overload the +operator()).
c. Function subtractFractions: This function subtracts one fraction from another (or you can overload the -operator()).
d. Function multiplyFractions: This function multiplies two fractions together (or you can overload the *operator()).
e. Function divideFractions: This function divides one fraction into another (or you can overload the /operator()).

Some sample outputs are:
3 / 4 + 2 / 5 = 23 / 20
2 / 3 * 3 / 5 = 6 / 15

Your answers need not be in the lowest terms.

Reference no: EM1363911

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