Write program to do operaretions of stack-push-pop-peek

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1388132

Write down the program which does the basic stack operations:
1. Make the stack
- if stack has not been created yet, go on with th initialization
- if stack exists, output warning message to the user if he/she wants to continue with deletion of data items stored in the stack

2. Push element into the stack
- for array implementation, ensure to check first for full stack before storing data item into stack (output a "stack overflow" message if the stack is full)
- if the stack is not full, output message to user once data item has been properly stored

3. Pop element from the stack
- for both implementations, ensure to check first for empty stack before proceeding with this operation
- output "stack underflow" message if stack is empty
- if the stack is not empty, proceed with deletion and return value of data item to calling function
- output value of data item which was popped out from stack

4. Take peek at top of the stack
- Just tell user what element is on top of stack

5. Show contents of the stack
- although this is not part of stack operations, you require this to check if elements/data items were inserted accurately

Take note that the following user-defined stack functions require to be in your program:

Reference no: EM1388132

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