Write program to compute total payment

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1362853

1) Write a program that computes the total payment, tip, and tax for the "ABC" restaurant. This program must have three functions as below:

1. Menu (Show the menu for each customer). Menu include 6 options:
a. Rib lets ($10.99)
b. Margarita Chicken ($10.49)
c. Double Crunch Shrimp ($10.99)
d. Stake ($12.57)
e. (Kids) Mini Cheeseburger ($7.67)
f. Dessert ($1.99)
2. Compute_tip : 12% of customer's total price.
3. Compute_tax: 8% as tax

Your program must run for more than one customer customers.

Reference no: EM1362853

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