Write program to calculate net pay for factory worker

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Reference no: EM1361821

1. Barnhill Fastener Company runs a small factory. The company employs workers who are paid one and one-half times the usual rate.

In addition, workers in skill levels 2 and 3 can elect the following insurance options:
Option Explanation Weekly Cost to Employee ($)

1 Medical Insurance 32.50
2 Dental Insurance 20.00
3 Long term disability insurance0 10.00

Also, workers in skill level 3 can elect to participate in the retirement paln at 3% of the gross pay.

Write and run a program in C++ that calculates the net pay for a factory worker. The program prompts the user for skill level and hours worked, as well as appropriate insurance and retirement options for the employee's skill level category, The program display's: (1) the hour worked (2) the hourly pay rate (3) the regular pay for 40 hours
(4) the overtime pay (5) the total of regular and overtime pay and (6) the total itemized deductions. If the deductions exceed the gross pay, display an error message; other wise, calculate and display (7) the net pay after all the deductions have been subtracted from the gross.

Reference no: EM1361821

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