Write program to calculate distance and time hurricane take

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1368125

Write a C++ program that will compute the distance and time it will take (days/hours) for a hurricane to reach Ft. Lauderdale if:

1) The hurricane is at coordinates 16 N, 64 W, just SE of South Fla. off in the Atlantic, with a speed of 20 mph.

2) The hurricane is at Bermuda with a speed of 10 mph.

Your program should be interactive with 3 inputs. You can either research the net and use the sin/cos formula or just use a little high school algebra; no loops are required.

Use the same program for the two conditions above. Send me your documented source code and the input / output either jpgs or a txt all in one file.

Reference no: EM1368125

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