Write program that stores and retrieves structures in file

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Reference no: EM132253263

Intermediate Programming Assignment - Binary Files and Structures on Disk

The Problem - Your task is to write a program that stores and retrieves structures in a file on disk. The file of structures must remain on the disk once your program ends. You should be able to store structures to the file and retrieve from the file after restarting the program.

The record that you will be writing to file has the following structure:

struct contact {

unsigned long phone_number;

long first_name_posn;

long last_name_posn;

long company_name_posn;

long email_posn;

long next;


first_name_posn, last_name_posn, company_name_posn, and email_posn are the position in the file of the First Name, Last Name, Company Name, and Email variable strings. These "locations" will be required for writing and reading the information to be stored. This struct definition cannot be altered in any way.

When you write the structures on disk, you will need to store the First Name, Last Name, Company Name, and Email strings separately from the contact structure. In the file you will write the contact structure first followed by the First Name, Last Name, Company Name, and Email strings (if they exist). The only required information is the Phone Number - all other information is optional.

The position "next" stores the location in the file where the next contact record is stored. This will function similarly to a linked list data structure, but will use "next" variable to facilitate the linking of records.

The file can contain any number of records and associated strings. The name of the file will be myContactList.db (and must match this exactly). If the file does not exist then your program must create it.

Coding Guidelines and Testing -

Assignments which do not compile with your makefile on the SOCS server will receive a grade of 0. You must use the -ansi and -Wall flag.

Any changes to the struct definition will result in a grade of 0.

Your makefile must produce an executable named contactList. It must be placed inside the bin/folder. See the Project Structure section for more details.

Function prototypes and struct definitions are expected to be inside the .h files for your project, and function definitions must be in a file without a main() function (ie. you will need at minimum two .c files and at minimum one .h file).

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132253263

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3/11/2019 2:41:47 AM

Assignments which do not compile with your makefile on the SOCS server will receive a grade of 0. You must use the -ansi and -Wall flag. Any changes to the struct definition will result in a grade of 0. Your makefile must produce an executable named contactList. It must be placed inside the bin/ folder. See the Project Structure section for more details. Your submission must be named usernameA3.zip, where username is your Central ID. For example, if your username was rdara, you would submit a file name rdaraA3.zip.


3/11/2019 2:41:26 AM

Sample inputs and expected output/binary file size will be posted within 1 week of the due date. No global variables will be allowed for this assignment. Usage of a global variable will result in an automatic zero for the assignment. Function prototypes and struct definitions are expected to be inside the .h files for your project, and function definitions must be in a file without a main() function (ie. you will need at minimum two .c files and at minimum one .h file)


3/11/2019 2:41:21 AM

All required .c files must be placed in the src folder. You must have at least 2 .c files. All .h files required by your solution must be placed in the includes folder. You must have at least 1 .h file. All produced .o files and your executable must be placed in the bin folder. makefile is your functioning makefile. An empty project structure will be uploaded on Courselink for you to use. Any deviations from the expected structure will result in deductions of up to 30%. Your compiled program must be named contactList.

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