Write program that reverses string with the in main function

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13869080

Write a program that reverses a string with the following features:

-In themain function, ask the user to enter a string.

-The entered string can be handled as C-string (or converted to C-string).

-Write areverseString function that takes the string parameter (C-string or char *) and reverse it.

-In themain function, print out the original string and the reversed string.

-ThereverseString function must be implemented using pointer notation.

-Using non-pointer notations to implementreverseString will result in a 3-point deduction.

-Using library functions to do reserve will result in a 5-point deduction.

(It is OK to use a function to get string's length. It'd even better to count the length in the code).

Reference no: EM13869080

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