Write program that computes the cost of a long distance call

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133112


Write down program that computes the cost of a long distance call. The cost of call is determined according to following rate schedules.

a.A call made between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM is billed at a rate of 6 rupees per minute.

b. A call made before 8:00 AM or after 6:00 PM is charged at a rate of 3.75 rupees.

The input to program will consist of time the call started and length of call in minutes. The output will be cost of a call. The time is to be input in 24-hours notation, so time 1:30 PM is input as 13:30. The time will be input using 2 variables of type int, one used for hour and other used for minutes. The number of minutes for length of the call will also be input as a value of type int.

Reference no: EM133112

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