Write procedure list-records whihc returns list of records

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1368395

Suppose we use Lists to represent a title, artist and record label record. For example, the following list represents the record title, "Yellow Submarine", recorded by "The Beatles" on the record label "Apple" in 1968.

((( Yellow Submarine) 1968 (The Beatles) Apple))

(a) Write a constructor for a record and procedures that return title, artist and label.

(b) Write a procedure called add-record that allows the addition of a record to a simple list of records, and a procedure called find-record to find a record with a given title.

(c) Write a procedure called delete-record to delete a record with a given title from a list of records.

(d) Write a procedure called list-records that returns a list of all records by an artist from a list of records containing several artists.

Reference no: EM1368395

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