Write paper on stress management for salespeople

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Reference no: EM13125925 , Length: 1613 Words

Topic: Stress Management for Salespeople
Frank Taylor's automobile dealership has a number of high-achieving salespeople who could be described as extreme Type A personalities. Unfortunately, several of them are experiencing stress-related physica??oblems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and migraine headaches. You have been hired to develop a stress reduction program incorporating both relaxation techniques and exercises that can be utilized by individuals and in group sessions several days a week at work. Describe specifics of a program that incorporates techniques of proven efficacy in dealing with extreme Type A personality behaviors.

1. Papers must be written using the current APA Publication Manual. Papers must be five to seven typed double-spaced pages.
2. Papers must include a minimum of five relevant resources, appropriately cited.

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Total words count : 1600



Reference no: EM13125925

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