Write paper on fraud auditing and it auditing

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Reference no: EM132451309

Assignment - Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper on fraud auditing and IT auditing.

Describe the different kinds of fraud andthe Fraud Triangle, an auditor's responsibility to identify and assess fraud.

Describe the specific risks, benefits, and internal controls associated with IT functions.

Reference no: EM132451309

Questions Cloud

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What are the seven internal control procedures in accounting : How can small businesses, with only a few employees, implement the separation of duties internal control? What is the Fraud Triangle?
Write paper on fraud auditing and it auditing : Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper on fraud auditing and IT auditing. Describe the specific risks, benefits, and internal controls associated with IT functions
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All data should be encrypted : Do you believe that all data should be encrypted? Many computing professionals think this is a good idea.


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Auditing Questions & Answers

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State whether Event is adjusting or non-adjusting event.

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To identify principal audit risk and corresponding audit procedures

  Auditing and assurance

Show the audit inherent risk and rate the risk as low, medium or high.

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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