Write outline for given mass communication research paper

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Reference no: EM131370118 , Length: 5

Write the outline for given mass communication research paper, specifically getting sources and structure to the paper.

What: Write a 3-5 page paper on a possible job or career in a mass communication field

Format: You can follow any stylebook form you choose (MLA, APA, Taurabian) or, with qualifications, none! What's important is that you carefully avoid plagiarism and that you are consistent in your style. Duplicate the style found in a book or article if you like.

Purpose: This paper will encourage you to explore fully a possible career path, either embracing or eliminating one of the many possibilities before you. Looking into any job possibility is a good thing, because it will encourage you to think seriously about the future. Another purpose of this assignment is to give you struggling test-takers a chance to shine with an altogether different kind of graded academic task.

Special Requirements: You are required to use a variety of sources, let's say a minimum of three books, three periodicals and three on-line pieces. But more importantly, you are required to include a personal interview in your paper, preferably (but not necessarily) from someone who has the job you're inquiring into. You should include in your paper explicit material about how to break in, what education is required or suggested and what kind of salary to expect.

Possible Fields/Carrers/Jobs: advertising rep or salesperson; PR practitioner of any sort--in a non-profit, in a small shop or a big firm or a sports team; a journalist for a newspaper, an on-line publication or for any kind of magazine or professional journal; any kind of worker in the movie industry from line producer to technician or director; a professional in radio or TV--from an on-air personality to a technician; a cog in the entertainment industry--from a musician to a publicist; etc., etc., etc. If you have any doubts that you're looking at a communication field, e-mail me your idea.

Length : 3-5 Pages.

Reference no: EM131370118

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