Write out a view that hold on social issue in propositional

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Reference no: EM132989598

Question 1: Examine an argument made in public and translate its conclusion to show one of the four standard-form categorical propositions (A, E, I, or O). Does the conclusion follow from the premises? Why or why not? Second, if its premises are true, what else can you infer about the conclusion? Analyze.

[Note: Remember that standard-form categorical propositions use affirmative or negative "to be" verbs (e.g., is, are, am, was, were, be, been, being) in its copula to set up a connection between two classes -- the subject (S) and the predicate (P).]

Question b: As you are learning about propositions and contradictions, write out a view that you hold on a social issue in propositional form (A, E, I, or O). What is the logical contradiction to your view? Identify a specific group that advocates the contradiction of your viewpoint.

Reference no: EM132989598

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