Write one poem about your culture

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133483529

Question 1: A highly engaging travel diary entry demonstrating sophisticated use of a variety of language techniques. Demonstrates extensive knowledge of selected holiday destination. Composes a sustained response with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.

A Travel Diary Entry Write ONE Travel Diary about your first day at a holiday destination of your choice.

Your travel diary MUST be 250-300 words.

- Created an extensive poem about culture. Skillful use of a variety of poetic techniques. Sophisticated creation of a poem with four stanzas, four lines each. Extensively demonstrates the importance of culture.

Chaldean iraqi culture

Poem about your Culture Write ONE poem about your culture. Your poem MUST be at least four stanzas long with at least 4 lines in each stanza

Reference no: EM133483529

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