Reference no: EM132455340
You are required to write one (1) performance treatment paper. This paper is to be based on the viewing of theDepartment of Theatre's production of 1984. (5 pages & MLA format) -(I have the brochures of this theatre just in case you need more information)
1. Would you describe the production you saw as Presentational or Representational? (See text pgs. 15-16for definitions.) Give specific examples to support your conclusions.
2. Describe the central conflict of the production you saw. (See text pg. 34 for definitions.) Give specificexamples to support your conclusions.
3. Examining the actor's work- would you describe the acting in the production you saw as "OUTSIDE"(or external/presentational) or "INSIDE" (or internal/representational)? (See text beginning on pg. 40for definitions.) Give specific examples to support your conclusions. It is possible there existed a mix ofthe two- be sure to support your claims with specific examples.
4. Examining the director's work- what specific elements of staging within the production stick out inyour mind and what made them memorable? (See text pg. 174 for staging examples.) Be sure to includespecific supporting examples from the production.
5. Describe, in specific detail, the final moments of the play in terms of actual events as well as how thoseevents related to the central conflict. Ch. 4 The Playwright may be a useful resource. Was the centralconflict resolved? If so- how? If not- why do you think it was not resolved? Give specific examples tosupport your conclusions.
6. Please offer your thoughts as to why the theatre producers or organization would choose to produce theproduction you saw. Support your conclusions with specific examples.
7. What do you feel the production you saw communicated to the audience? Support your conclusionswith specific examples.
8. What appealed to you about the production and why? This evaluation can be via the play itself, theproduction, or technical aspects. You may find it useful to include some examples from the designers'and technicians' work as covered in chapter 5. (You don't have to "like" the whole production, but wedo want you to focus on at least one something that appealed to you. Provide a specific example andexplain why.)