Write looping structure pseudocode accepting employee data

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Reference no: EM1369887

Create looping structure pseudocode that prompts the user for employee data; the application continues to accept data for new employees until the user enters 0 for an ID number to indicate the desire to quit. While the ID number is not zero, prompt the user for a value for each field in turn. Any time the user enters an invalid value, continue to reprompt the user for the same data. Continue with the next data item only when the previous item is valid, as follows:

1. An employee ID must be between 100 and 999 inclusive.
2. A zip code must not be greater than 99999.
3. An hourly pay rate must be between $6.00 and $25.00 inclusive.
4. The number of hours worked in a week cannot be negative or more than 70.
5. An insurance plan code must be 1 or 2.

Reference no: EM1369887

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