Write literature review and make it even more meaningful

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Reference no: EM133658803

Assignment: Research Proposal Project- Literature Review

Literature Review

You will receive feedback from your instructor on your rough draft. You will edit, revise, and add any additional information to your literature review based on your instructor feedback and additional research and reading. This submission should be more polished than your previous version. As you continue to read about your chosen research topic, feel free to add to your literature review and make it even more meaningful for your research proposal.

The following requirements should be met in your literature review:

1. Include a minimum of six scholarly sources

2. Organize in logical sections

3. Include an overview of the literature

4. Be unbiased in your presentation of information

5. Include sources and content relevant to your research questions and hypothesis; state the relevance in your literature review

6. Include a critical assessment of the sources. Do not simply include a summary of what you have read

7. A strong introduction and conclusion, including further questions for research

8. Proper APA formatting, citations, and references.

Reference no: EM133658803

Questions Cloud

What is decentralized and centralized in health care systems : What is decentralized and centralized in health care systems?
Why the ethical recruiting in practice is important : How does this question fit into the research that has already been done in that area? Why the ethical recruiting in practice is important?
Develop a rough draft of your literature review : Develop a rough draft of your literature review. You will continue to develop the literature review next week based on feedback provided by your instructor.
Determine the out-of-pocket costs for a healthcare service : What other information beyond the price of a service must be known to determine the out-of-pocket costs for a healthcare service?
Write literature review and make it even more meaningful : NURS 540- As you continue to read about your chosen research topic feel free to add to literature review and make it even more meaningful for research proposal.
Explaining the major third party payers in healthcare : What to write as response to discussion post that is explaining the major third party payers in healthcare?
Which will help mitigate potential management challenges : You can assess the nature of your objectives, which will help mitigate potential management challenges this reflective journal.
Evaluate impact of leadership behaviors in creating work : Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to Module's readings, that evaluate impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
Discuss the risks versus benefits of childhood vaccines : Discuss the ethical implications of vaccinations. Discuss teachings you would use to help guide this mother with vaccinations.


Write a Review

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