Write lisp function to reverse order of the elements in list

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1360427

1. Write a Lisp function that: given a two-element list, reverse the order of the elements in the list (cannot use the LISP reverse function).

2. Write a Lisp function that given an atom and a list will replace the first element in the list with the single element.

Write a Lisp function that takes as input an atom and a list. The function determines whether any element of the list matches the atom - If it does not match then the first item of the list is replaced with the atom, otherwise the original list is returned.

Write a Lisp function that: given an integer determines whether the integer matches a "held" number. If there is a match it evaluates "OK" otherwise it evaluates "less than" or "greater than" depending on the relationship between the integer and the "held" number

Write a Lisp function that: computes factorial.

Write a Lisp function that: given an integer "n" generates the first "n" Fibonacci numbers.

Reference no: EM1360427

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