Write java program to simulate a ecosystem

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131001981

Write a java program to simulate an ecosystem containing two types of creatures, bears andfish. The ecosystem consists of a river, which is modeled as a relatively large array. Each cell of array should contain an Animal object, which can be a Bear object, a Fish object, ornull. In each time step, based on a random process, each animal either attempts to move into an adjacent array cell or stay where it is. If two animals of the same type are about to collide in the same cell.

Then they stay where they are, but they create a new instance of that type of animal, which is placed in a random empty (i.e., previously null) cell in the array. If a bear and a fish collide, however, then the fish dies (i.e., it disappears). Use actual object creation, via the new operator, to model the creation of new objects and provide a visualization of the array after each time step.

Reference no: EM131001981

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