Write integrative bibliographical paper about war on drugs

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131818479

Assignment: War on Drugs

Your topic should be on public policy. The project must state why the topic selected is important to you.

You will be required to write a short integrative bibliographical paper of no more than seven pages for this course. This short paper will consist of eight journal articles or working papers regarding issues in:

1. Drug Policies;
2. Economic Analysis;
3. Economic Historical Analysis;
4. Medical History;
5. Scientific Analysis;
6. International Diplomacy; and/or
7. Social and Philosophical Analysis.

The bibliographical selection may address topics from the examples listed below:

1. A critique of the drug policy in the United States (shortcomings, reduction of supply of drugs, treatment options, etc.);
2. Legitimate historical use of drugs: opium and cocaine;
3. Comparative international policies;
4. Historical analysis of policies in different countries;
5. Socio-Economic analysis of drug policies;
6. International Drug Cartels and their Activities / Violence and Corruption;
7. European colonialism and the drug trade in history; and
8. Foreign Trade.

Reference no: EM131818479

Questions Cloud

What responsibility do we have as a society : What responsibility do we have as a society to help the elderly and disabled? What potential changes could the federal government enact to help viability?
Population mean score of the current class : Find the 98% confidence interval for the population mean score of the current class.
Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions : Abernathy Corporation was organized on January 1, 2012. Please prepare the journal entries to record the above transactions
Explain the fisher effect : Explain the Fisher effect. Why would the Fisher effect relate to how forward rate prices are constructed?
Write integrative bibliographical paper about war on drugs : write a short integrative bibliographical paper about War on Drugs. This short paper will consist of eight journal articles or working papers regarding issues.
What is the probability of a score falling : Questions 3a through 3d are based on a distribution of scores with and the standard deviation = 6.38. Draw a small picture to help you see what is required.
Down payment and closing costs : You want to buy a house with a 30-year loan and you have $50,000 for a down payment and closing costs.
What is the pv of the quarterback contract : A famous quarterback just signed a contract for $11 million, providing $2.1 million a year for 5 years. What is the PV of the quarterback's contract?
Calculated test statistic : If asked to supposes the test statistic was 2.67 how would one calculate the associated p-value?


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