Write how joy is different from happiness

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133539711

Reading and Writing about Language and Literatures


Writing an academic research paper gives you practice in finding information, understanding this information, and re-stating the material in a comprehensible way. Learning the proper way to write and format an academic research paper is foundational to your development as a post- secondary student. The topic you choose for your paper should reflect your work with children and the interaction you have with the parents/guardians of these children. Being able to reflect upon the reality of being a parent/guardian in preparation for whatever interaction you have is the focus of this assignment.

Learning Outcomes

- Define the audience, purpose, and role of the writer in any writing task
- Use prewriting techniques
- Organize and develop unified paragraphs that express logical, well-supported ideas
- Use smooth transitions between paragraphs
- Write and revise at least one draft of a research paper
- Develop a clear, precise, and individual voice as a writer, using appropriate diction and syntax and employing standard English grammar
- Use and document reference materials
- Revise, edit, and proofread thoroughly

First topic for thesis is Joy.

As part of defining joy, you could write how joy is different from happiness. Happiness is closer to an emotion and there are different levels of happiness. Joy is a larger state of being that usually results from larger, more consistent investments of time and energy. Your thesis statement could briefly define joy again and include the three things that the experts talk about that underpin joy or provide the foundation for joy to manifest itself.

Your definition essay could discuss how joy can manifest itself in our professional lives. For example, you might refer to how joy can come through the interconnections we foster with the children we work with.

The 2nd topic is: Mindfulness Mindfulness means paying full attention to something and staying in the moment. It means slowing down to really notice what you are doing. Being mindful is the opposite of acting quickly or multitasking. When you are mindful, you are taking your time and being careful with your actions. You are focused in a relaxed, easy way. As part of defining mindfulness, you might research encouraging mindfulness with children in early childhood learning settings.

You might also discuss how mindfulness works with adults in a brief example or two. Your thesis will define mindfulness briefly again and include the three characteristics that you choose from your reading and research that best support and add to the definition of mindfulness

Assessment Description

Each student will select a topic, research that topic, critically think about the research they review, create a thesis statement that answers a question related to the topic, and present an exploration of the thesis statement in the form of an academic paper. This is an individual assignment. Students will choose a topic relevant to their current field of study (Educational Assistant or Early Learning and Childcare). Possibilities of topics will be discussed in class.

The paper should include the following:
1. Title page in APA 7 format
2. Introduction which includes the topic & thesis statement
3. Body that develops main ideas that support the thesis statement, and that incorporates properly cited direct and quotations/information from a variety of credible sources (citations are to follow APA 7 format)
4. Reference page that lists the works cited in APA 7 format

The paper must follow APA 7 formatting guidelines:
- Double-spaced [no extra space after paragraphs]
- 1" margins on all sides
- Times New Roman 12-point font
The paper must also meet the following parameters:
- 3-4 pages [not including title or reference page]
- No less than 3 and no more than 5 sources
- Sources are scholarly and peer reviewed.

Reference no: EM133539711

Questions Cloud

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Write a Review

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