Write gui program as subclass of jframe

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1362919

Write a GUI program as subclass of JFrame. It should contain the following:

1) Labels
a) At the top (column headings): Meal, Quantity, Cost
b) At the left: label for each meal
c) Total for Meals: Meal, Quantity, Cost
d) Tax
e) Total Due
2) Text fields
a) Quantity and Cost for each meal
b) Total for Meals
c) Tax
d) Total Due
3) Buttons
a) Calculate
b) Exit

Below is a reminder of the cost and discounts. The tax rate is 10%. Use colors and cursor and anything else that may make it more attractive. Meal Cost Each Discount If order more than Breakfast $5.50 10% 10 Lunch $9.50 15% 15 Dinner $16.50 12% 8

Reference no: EM1362919

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