Write function to accept single argument-find prime number

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1381903

Write down function named isPrime( num ) which accepts the single argument (num) and returns True if argument is prime, and False otherwise.

Example: isPrime(2) must return True. isPrime(5) must return True as well. isPrime(4) must return False. You may suppose that input num will be non-negative integer. (0, 1, 2, etc...) Next, write second function named nextPrime( num ) which will return next prime number following corresponding number which is the argument. It is probable that your nextPrime( num) function can make use of isPrime( num ) function to make it's job easy! For instance: nextPrime(5) must return (NOT PRINT) integer 7, and nextPrime(100) must return integer 101. You may suppose that only non-negative integers will be used as input.

Reference no: EM1381903

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