Write final report based on the progress report

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131635548 , Length: word count:3500

Assignment -

Write final report based on the progress report you have written.

Progress Report -

1. Organisation profile: Identify the organisation you have chosen to investigate, its industry classification and its core business activities.

The organisation which has been chosen to be investigated is the ANZ Bank. ANZ bank which stands for Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited is one of the largest banks in Australia with a history of more than 180 years and a global representation across 34 countries (ANZ, 2017). The industry classification of the bank with respect to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) is Division K, Sub Division 73: Finance with code 7321 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2017). The core business activities of the firm include Retail and Corporate & Commercial Banking, Transaction Banking, Loans & Specialised Finance and Markets.

2. Glossary of key change management concepts: For each of the following, provide a concise definition (and list of sub-categories or types where relevant):

3. Interventions:Select two specific interventions which have been recently implemented by your chosen organisation.

a. create a concise name:Stopping inappropriate conduct

b. provide a brief description of the most important features or aspects:

The bank employees and traders manipulated the foreign currency market over several years.

c. categorise it according to at least one MMH356 intervention typology and type:

Typology #3: Interventions based on

managerial approach

d. Select an appropriate holistic diagnostic model of organisational behaviour, and briefly explain why that model is appropriate for diagnosingyour organisation in relation to these interventions in your Final Report:

The McKinsey 7S model is suitable to diagnose the organisation as it states that if the business has to be successful, there are 7 aspects of the organisation which need to aligned. From the case, it is clear that the corporation had lost inclination between the 7S of the organisation. Hence, there was a need to reincline the 7S in order to reincline them to solve the issue.

a. Create a concise name: Intervention to not raise the rate of the bank tax

b. Provide a brief description of the most important features or aspects:

The ANZ bank Chairman requested and urged the government to not the raise the bank tax. He presented the tax as a sign of the poor relationship between banks and the broader community

c. allocate to it at least one 'type' from the MMH356 intervention typologies:

Typology #2: Interventions based on focal issues

Typology #3: Interventions based on managerial approach

d. select an appropriate holistic diagnostic model of organisational behaviour, and briefly explain why that model will be appropriate to diagnose that intervention in your Final Report:

The Burke- Litwin causalmodel oforganizationalperformanceand change

This model is suitable as it taken into consideration the relationship of the organisation with the external environment and not only analyses the internal environment of the organisation but also the external environment. The case issue is regarding the relationship of the bank with the external environment i.e. customers.

4. References/Bibliography: Provide full references details of all sources cited in the Progress Report. If necessary, include additional sources to produce a total of four academic sources and four non-academic sources, all of which are relevant to your case study. Present this list using the Deakin Harvard referencing style.

5. Citations: Accurate in-text citations must be provided for ALL ideas obtained from ALL sources within your responses to Tasks 1 to 3 above, whether included as quotations or rewritten in your own words, using the Deakin Harvard system. Citations are NOT included in the word counts and no additional list of citations is required.

Case Study Report Assignment Guide -

Learning Outcome -

  • Demonstrate a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of theoretical frameworks, key concepts and contemporary human resource and management issues associated with organisational change
  • Use digital technologies to locate and access information relevant to change in a real-life organisation, and to then effectively communicate that account using a specified academic referencing style and specified professional report format.
  • Critically describe, analyse and evaluate practical change-related behaviours, processes and outcomes by referring to organisational change theories and concepts
  • Selectively apply evidence-based theories and concepts to change opportunities and instances within real organisational contexts in order to improve the likelihood of more effective human resource and/or more efficient management outcomes

Assignment Information and Requirements

Background: Monitoring implementation of the change plan

'The process of managing change involves validating, or when necessary, revising the assumptions  and hypotheses that underpin the change plan.' (Hayes 2014, p. 452)

Outline: Two individual assignment tasks

You are a professional external change agent who has been contracted by the Board of Directors of  one of the following Australian organisations, which has recently been undergoing significant change.

Please choose ONE of the following business organisations (refer p. 8 for non-academic resources  which may assist your decision):

  • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) OR
  • Bega Cheese Limited

Your general aim is to describe, analyse, evaluate and make recommendations in relation to change within your chosen organisation, which must at all times be explained and justified with reference to change management theory and concepts.

Your specific objective is to complete and provide two reports:

1. Progress Report: submitted using a prepared template, according to specified requirements for content, structure and formatting

2. Final Report: presented in professional report format, according to specified requirements for content, structure and formatting

Both reports must demonstrate transparency and integrity by the accurate attribution of all information from all sources, according to the Deakin Harvard style of referencing:

  • complete and correct attribution and citations for all ideas obtained from all other sources
  • full reference details of all sources used


This assignment presents an overview of your progress towards the Final Report task, and is an opportunity for you to receive formative feedback before completing and submitting your Final Report.


1. Organisation profile: Identify the organisation you have chosen to investigate, its industry classification and its core business activities.

2. Glossary of key change management concepts: For each of the following, provide a concise definition, including details where relevant such as sub-categories, aspects or types.

Definitions and details must be obtained from MMH356 and/or other change management academic sources and NOT from online business dictionaries:

a. change process;

b. change forces;

c. diagnosis;

d. intervention;

e. implementation;

3. Interventions: Select two specific interventions which have been recently implemented by your chosen organisation. For each intervention:

a. create a concise name

b. provide a brief description of the most important features or aspects

c. categorise it according to at least one MMH356 intervention typology and type

d. select an appropriate holistic diagnostic model of organisational behaviour, and briefly explain why that model is appropriate for diagnosing your organisation in relation to these interventions, in your Final Report.

4. References/Bibliography: Provide full reference details of all sources cited in the Progress Report. If necessary, include additional sources to produce a total of four academic sources and four non-academic sources, all of which are relevant to your case study. Present this list using the Deakin Harvard referencing style.

5. Citations: Accurate in-text citations must be provided throughout your responses to Tasks 1, 2 and 3:

  • for ALL ideas obtained from ALL sources
  • for direct quotations AND/OR paraphrases AND/OR summaries written in your own words
  • using the Deakin (author date) Harvard style
  • Citations are not included in the task indicative word counts
  • No need to provide any additional, separate list of citations


This formal, academic report must adopt an analytical and critical perspective. You need to research your organisation thoroughly using non-academic sources, research the literature on organisational change, use a wide range of change theories and concepts to inform and underpin your critical analysis of the practical information obtained about the organisation, and offer recommendations for future change improvement.


1. Needs: Apply appropriate theoretical models to describe, critically analyse and evaluate the needs and/or opportunities for change for your chosen organisation, in relation to its external and internal force-fields.

2. Diagnosis:

a. Select a holistic diagnostic model of organisational behaviour which is appropriate for the organisation, and justify this selection;

b. Use this model to describe and analyse the current functioning of your chosen organisation.

3. Interventions: Select two separate change interventions, which have been recently implemented, or are in the process of being implemented, within your chosen organisation (i.e. current state). For each intervention you must:

a. Name the intervention, and categorise with at least one change management typology and at least one type;

b. Describe and analyse its most significant aspects, components, and goals;

c. Describe, critically review and evaluate planning and implementation of the intervention with specific  reference to change management theory/concepts.

REQUIREMENTS:  Recommendations

4. Recommendations: (i.e. future state): Flowing on from your diagnoses, analyses and evaluations, make specific and concise recommendations for the purpose of making improvements and/or solving problems which you have identified. Each intervention requires three recommendations to the Board of Directors for more efficient and/or more effective ongoing change management; i.e. one recommendation per intervention for each of the following perspectives:

a. the intervention itself (e.g. maintenance, adjustment, complementation, replacement); AND

b. implementation, AND

c. sustainability

Assignment Files -


Reference no: EM131635548

Questions Cloud

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9/9/2017 8:57:37 AM

Words: 3500 Words (without reference, table of comments, figures and tables). Reference Style: Harvard Reference with proper in text citations, Minimum 25 recent references. Other Requirements: Ensure well labelled figures, diagrams and tables to support arguments and write ups, Plagiarism less than 5%, Error free English, Proper cover page, table of contents. Write final report based on the progress report choose the company: ANZ must review the lecture topic2,4,5 before you write, very important Harvard reference style.


9/9/2017 8:57:29 AM

Asterisked notes: Please create your own headings and sub-headings throughout the ‘Body’ of your reports, as you judge to be appropriate for the content you provide in each section and subsection.. Refer the Generic Report Writing Guide on CloudDeakin for detailed advice about: what types of information to include in which report sections; how to number the sections; and how to use Roman and Arabic pagination.


9/9/2017 8:57:22 AM

REQUIREMENTS: Formatting - Submission of a formal report which is presented and formatted at a professional standard is an important and assessed Learning Outcome for this assignment, and also a valuable employment skill. Please apply the following: Font: Size 12 Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. Line spacing: 1.5, no indentation, but one extra line spacing between paragraphs. Margins: 2.54 cm. Headings and sub-headings. Section numbering: Alphanumeric or decimal outline of up to three levels. Pagination: Roman page numbering and Arabic page numbering used appropriately. Header and/or footer: student name, ID number, unit code and assessment task name and Total word count: provided on Title page.


9/9/2017 8:57:14 AM

All sections provided according to structure requirements. All formatting instructions followed. Outstanding and professional standard of presentation. All submission instructions followed. Extremely comprehensive Information provided. Information clearly covers the breadth and depth of the task. Descriptions are relevant, complete, even and balanced in all sections. Content extremely well supported by exceptional number and quality of academic and non-academic sources. Exceptionally knowledgeable, insightful, balanced and objective critical analyses provided. Critical analyses are extremely comprehensive and cover the breadth and depth of the task. Excellent applications of change management theory and concepts.


9/9/2017 8:57:05 AM

Provide multiple recommendations which logically flow from report’s critical analyses. Recommendations include insightful strategies, solutions and evaluation components for more effective, future change outcomes. Recommendations demonstrate an exemplary understanding of change management theory. No spelling and/or grammatical errors. Excellent paraphrasing which correctly portrays ideas in student’s own words. Quotations used sparingly and presented correctly. All ideas presented as paraphrases/summaries, with very few direct quotations. All in-text citations provided and correct. All cited sources referenced, complete and correct 10+ academic sources.

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