Write essay on The Future of Privacy - digital life

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Reference no: EM131981453 , Length: word count:1500

IT Profession and Ethics Assignment - The Future of Privacy: digital life in 2025

This assignment is a 1,500 word essay on The Future of Privacy: digital life 2025.

According to the Australian Information Commissioner - "Privacy is important. It is about protecting our information on who we are, what we do, what we think and what we believe". We live in a digital age and are very much attached to a technology on everything that we do. Our personal privacy is being threatened by a modern technology in a way how we use the technology in our daily life. The Internet companies such as Google and Facebook are collecting our data and creating new services for different advertising companies.

On December 18, 2014, Pew research report "The Future of Privacy: digital life in 2025" indicated that there will be no privacy in the future and the IoT (Internet of Things) is the worst part of the problem.

Bojanova, Hurlburt & Voas (2014) said, "Today, the Internet of Things. Tomorrow, the Internet of Everything. Beyond that, perhaps, the Internet of Anything-a radically superconnected ecosystem where questions about security, trust, and control assume entirely new dimensions.

Commence your research for your essay by reading chapters from the text book Quinn (Chapter 5: Information Privacy & Chapter 6: Privacy and the Government) & Reynolds (Chapter 4: Privacy). In completing this assignment, you are encouraged to discuss the topic with your classmates however you will submit an individual essay.

Your writing needs to be supported by references. You will need to conduct further research online and, in the library, to answer the following questions in your essay. The references need to come from legitimate sources. Each reference needs to be given with an in-text reference and listed at the end of your essay (not part of your word count). A well supported essay will include at least 10 references. You must use APA referencing style correctly and consistently. Your discussion essay will research and address the following questions supported by references and your opinion:

  • What is privacy?
  • What is digital privacy?
  • Describe digital privacy in Australia.
  • Discuss on different privacy threats.
  • Why is the IoT the worst enemy of privacy? Discuss
  • What will digital life look like in 2025 in terms of privacy? The future of achieving privacy, security and accountability
  • Discuss on privacy solutions and best practices for the Internet of Things.

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Reference no: EM131981453

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Write essay on The Future of Privacy - digital life : NIT2201 IT Profession and Ethics Assignment - The Future of Privacy: digital life in 2025. Write a 1,500 word essay on The Future of Privacy: digital life 2025
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5/14/2018 2:45:54 AM

Country: Australia, Document Type: Essay (any type), Subject Name: Engineering, Acadamic Level: University and Quality Level: Standard. References Style: APA. Number of referances:10. Submission is to be made on the VU Collaborate Assignment 1 Dropbox on or before 11 pm, Sunday Week 7. NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE ACCEPTED. You need to submit your essay as a word document that has been saved with a name that includes your student identification number. For example: Assignment1_s1234567.docx.


5/14/2018 2:45:48 AM

Your writing needs to be supported by references. You will need to conduct further research online and, in the library, to answer the following questions in your essay. The references need to come from legitimate sources. Each reference needs to be given with an in-text reference and listed at the end of your essay (not part of your word count). A well supported essay will include at least 10 references. You must use APA referencing style correctly and consistently.


5/14/2018 2:45:43 AM

Explanation and description is correct and it has been done exceptionally well. Three sites detailed and contrasted. Information is correct, relevant and succinct. The writer contrasts their opinion with others, offering references and evidence for their stand. Introduction includes the background information and scope/purpose. Conclusion includes the main points investigated and discussed. The viewpoint of author is clear. Sufficient references. Effectively used. Correctly formatted as per the style guide. Sophisticated paraphrasing with effective in-text references.


5/14/2018 2:45:37 AM

Sentences are clear and there appears to be no grammar or construction errors. Essay is very well written. It is easy to follow as there is a clear line of thought from beginning to end. Essay is a consistent whole. High quality information/data presented Good analysis and/or synthesis. Good discussion of results. All specification directions followed as described. Shows a thorough understanding of issues related to privacy in IT use in Australia and abroad. Excellent support of statements using references.

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