Write essay about the social and diversity in the community

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Reference no: EM13767339 , Length: word count:1000

Write an essay that should talk about the social and diversity in the community. However, i want you to write about an imaginary best friend named (Mohammed). wtite the essay as if i had a different idea about him, then i changed my idea about him( in positive way). i want u to know that we are both muslims and from Saudi Arabia. We are studying in United States now. The essay topic is: how the Project broadened you perspective toward a deeper understanding of your community and world. the deeper understanding part of the thesis as meaning apply the perspective shift to any real person (community) in your real life (world). These two parts make you thesis. Write three claims (ways your essay will show / explore / prove / argue your perspective shift and your deeper understanding. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs of your essay correspond with one of each of the claims. The last paragraph, 5, summarizes

Reference no: EM13767339

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