Write essay about diversity in context of your cyberbullying

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Reference no: EM131383330

Short Essay

A short essay (about two-three pages) that addresses diversity in the context of your cyberbullying, such as how cyberbullying compares with at least one other culture. Important Note: You will need to provide some sources. This is a "compare-contrast" essay. "Compare" refers to similarities and "contrast" refers to differences. See the rubrics for grading details.

You have to include these references with others Li, Qing. (2008). A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Adolescents' Experience Related to Cyberbullying.

Baek, J., Bullock, L. M., (June, 2014) Cyberbullying: a cross-cultural perspective.

Reference no: EM131383330

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Write essay about diversity in context of your cyberbullying : A short essay (about two-three pages) that addresses diversity in the context of your cyberbullying, such as how cyberbullying compares with at least one other culture.
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