Reference no: EM132689510 , Length: word count:1500
Writing your Episode Of Care
In this document we shall refer to the NMC Parts, to clarify this equates on a full time course to Part 1 (year 1) Part 2 (year 2) and Part 3 (year 3).
What are Episodes Of Care?
Episodes of Care (EOC) are holistic assessments which enable you to demonstrate progression across a number of platforms. Effective communication and relationship management skills underpin all aspects of care. The EOC should be discussed and reviewed with your Practice Assessor. Your Practice Assessor will help guide you as to which episode or patient interaction may be suitable
In Part 1 examples of an EOC could be considered to be one occasion of assisting someone with their personal hygiene (in acute care); or changing a wound dressing (in community care) / giving a vaccination in a GP surgery.
In Part 2 examples of an EOC could be undertaking a health assessment with individuals with multiple comorbidities (community); or delivering care for a bay of patients in an acute ward or conversations surrounding mental capacity and Do Not Attempt Resuscitate decisions in a GP setting.
A male patient aged 51years of age
He was diagnosed of incisional hernia repair
He had a surgery of an incisional hernia repair
Assessing needs and planning care
-independent and mobile, able to wash and dress
-the only issue was pain
-he had very high pain levels, but very localised
-patient was on PCA, he had to press the button to release analgesia as and when required.
He was on PCA morphine, there are 3 types of opioids used on PCA, morphine, fentanyl and hydromorphone
He was on redivac drain
-wound assessment suggested he was healing well
Providing and evaluating care
-referral was made to pain management team
-they would then need to come in and make as assessment
-they opted to up his morphine dose and frequency
Improving safety and quality of care
-issues of addiction/dependency
- overuse
- underuse
-drug may stop working if taken for too long
-aggression - staff scared of him - they were going in pairs to provide care
Promoting Health
-advise was difficult to give as patient was so agitated and aggressive
-they would try and encourage patient NOT to go on stronger analgesia
-he was advised to let pain team know when pain levels reduced
Working in teams
-MDT had to work together to achieve best outcome for the patient
-came from one setting to another - multiple team
-referred to pain team and tissue management nurses
-because of his anger, it was particularly important for staff to work together and send a consistent message
Leading nursing care
- at the time I was leading care for three patients, of which he was one (currently managing 4 patients at a time in a bay (although always refer to nurse in charge if necessary)
- handing over to pain team
-taking primary responsibility for the patient
This was an email from my lecturer
I would start this with a brief description of the patient in the intro, age, gender, reason for hospital stay, the fact he has a drain etc.
Remember in each section to use the words in the brief, e.g. 'When assessing this patient's needs....' or 'I was effective in leading the handover...'
Remember that although you are talking about your own experiences, you still need to add some support which discusses the same issues more generally. I would imagine there are plenty of good sources out there on pain management.
Finally, just make sure that in each section, you stick to the main topic. e.g. the first section is about assessing and planning care, so don't start talking about promoting health or leading.
Just complete the form if you want someone to have a look at a draft.
Attachment:- Updated Episode Of Care - Further Guidance.rar