Write down what you would say to your partner

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Reference no: EM133434911

1.List three (3) ways you can demonstrate respect for practitioner-client boundaries in your role as a healthcare worker.

2.You are treating a female patient who discloses that she is in the early stages of pregnancy. Her husband is at the scene but in another room. She whispers that he does not know and she is going to terminate the pregnancy. She requests that you do not say anything. You feel strongly about this due to a similar situation having occurred within your own family. Write down the correct response to this situation.

3.You have attended a scene where two (2) people have been involved in a fight. There are open wounds and obvious signs of contamination between the individuals. You learn that the patients are strangers. As you begin to treat Patient A, they quietly disclose they are HIV+. They tell you firmly that they do not want anyone, including Patient B to know about it. Considering patient confidentiality, write down the correct response to this situation.

4.Your partner is busy treating Patient B and has obviously not heard Patient A's disclosure. Should you take your partner aside and tell them Patient A is HIV+? Write down the correct response to this situation, answering from a risk perspective and taking into consideration confidentiality requirements.

5.Your partner approaches you. They have been treating Patient B. Your partner is new to the role and Patient B has asked them about their risk of contracting HIV and other blood transmissible diseases. They are unsure of what to say, and are nervous of saying the wrong thing. Assume they do not know anything about Patient A's status at this time. Considering patient confidentiality, write down what you would say to your partner, and then to Patient B.

6.You and your partner attend an elderly patient at their home. After some assessment, it is clear that the patient is not at risk of any life threatening condition or illness. However, the patients adult daughter is demanding that the patient be taken to the emergency department. This patient is known for calling the ambulance services on a regular basis claiming they are 'near death's door', despite almost all complaints being minor. Write down what you would do in this situation.

Reference no: EM133434911

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