Write down the pseudo code for selection sort algorithm

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131066716

Task 1

Question 1. Write down the pseudo code for merge sort algorithm and using bellow array values perform the merge sort algorithm. Provide all the steps and describe them.









Question 2. Write down the pseudo code for selection sort algorithm and using bellow array values perform the selection sort algorithm. Provide all the steps and describe them.

Question 3. Consider the values for the array L = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20} and Implement a binary search on an ordered array. Compare the number of key comparisons and write down all the necessary steps to search values 3, 18 and 1 using binary search.

Question 4. Following data is inserted to a binary tree. Draw the binary tree after inserting data and explain the inserting methodology.

B) Print the data that you have inserted in part (A) in the following

1. Inorder

2. Preorder

3. Postorder

C) What are the facts you should take into consideration when deleting a node from a binary tree. Explain clearly for different situations with examples.

Task 2

Question 1. Design the algorithms that required in above scenario.

Question 2. Implement the above programme with the required algorithms by using an executable programming language (Java/C++).

Question 3. Provide evidence and solutions for error handling during software implementation
What is error handling?

Question 4. Carry out testing on implemented solution and provide evidence by including suitable screenshots.

Task 3

Question 1. Identify a method to count and record the number of occurrences of each vowel in uppercase or lowercase in any given paragraph. Explain it.

Code implementation using java

Question 2. Implement an algorithm to achieve above explained method using suitable programming language. Paragraph is given bellow.

Question 3. Identify different methods to reverse a String. Explain all the identified methods. (Note: student should explain at least two different methods and student can use any data structure to reverse a String value)

Question 4. Implement a method to reverse any String Value by using String operations and String manipulation.

Reference no: EM131066716

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