Reference no: EM131992160
Question A - Cobb-Douglas function
The Cobb-Douglas function for a new product is given by Y(L, K) = 3L0.2K0.8
where L is the number of units of labour and K is the number of units of capital required to produce Y(L, K) units of the product.
A1. In (L, K) space, where labour is on horizontal axis ranging from 0 to 10 and capital is on the vertical axis ranging from 0 to 10, depict all possible combinations of L and K resulting in production levels of 5, 10, 15, and 20 units. [These curves are called isoquants]. In a single graph you should have four curves (one for each production level).
Suppose that each unit of labour costs $25, and each unit of capital costs $50. If $500 has been budgeted for the production of this product, determine how this amount should be allocated in order to maximize production, and find the maximum production.
A2. Write down the Lagrange function.
A3. Solve the problem using Lagrange Multipliers (show your work).
Question B - Stock Market
Introduction - The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) takes into account the stock's sensitivity to non-diversifiable risk (also known as systematic risk or market risk), often represented by β in the financial industry, as well as the expected return of the market and the expected return of a theoretical risk-free asset. CAPM shows that the cost of equity capital is determined only by beta. Despite its invention in the early 1960s, the CAPM still remains popular due to its simplicity and applicability in a variety of situations.
The CAPM is a model for pricing an individual security or portfolio. The risk of a portfolio comprises systematic risk, also known as undiversifiable risk, and unsystematic risk which is also known as idiosyncratic risk or diversifiable risk. Systematic risk refers to the risk common to all securities-i.e. market risk. Unsystematic risk is the risk associated with individual assets. Unsystematic risk can be diversified away to smaller levels by including a greater number of assets in the portfolio (firm-specific risks "average out"). The same is not possible for systematic risk within one market. Depending on the market, a portfolio of approximately 20 securities would be sufficiently diversified.
The beta from a single factor model in the form ri = αi + βirm + εi is a good approximation to the CAPM beta.
The basic idea is that stocks tend to move together, driven by the same economic forces (the market). Here, the dependent variable, ri are percentage returns for stock i, and independent variable, rm are percentage returns for a broad market index.
αi is the intercept and βi is the slope of the linear relationship between the stock returns and the market. εi are the residual returns that cannot be explained by the market fluctuation (this is your idiosyncratic or firm-specific fluctuations).
In the file Assignment Data.xlsx, tab:ASX200 stocks (Prices), you will find prices for 131 stocks as well as the S&P/ASX 200 Index (a benchmark for the Australian stock market) from January 1, 2014 to December 27, 2017.
1. Pick any 3 securities making sure they are from different industries (full name, industry, sector and sub-sector information are provided in column headings as well as in a separate tab called ASX200 stocks (INFO)).
2. Convert your chosen security prices and the market index into percentage returns. For each asset/index, percentage returns are defined as (price on day (t) - price on day (t-1))/(price on day (t-1)). This will define your returns for the three stocks, ri, and the market return, rm.
B1. Perform OLS regression for each stock separately and report regression outputs for the three models from Excel/Matlab including line fit plots and residual plots.
B2. For each stock, discuss the OLS assumptions and violations (if any) based on the results from B1.
B3. Discuss the estimated betas for your three stocks and their statistical significance. Are these betas in line with your expectations? Provide your reasoning. What does it mean if a stock has a beta equal to 1? What does it mean if a stock has a beta equal to zero?
B4. Discuss the measure of fit (R2) of your regressions in B1. Are these R2 in line with your expectations? Provide your reasoning. Note that R^2 is the fraction of variation in the dependent variable (the return on a stock/portfolio of stocks) that is explained by movements in the independent variable (the return on the market index).
B5. Construct an equally weighted portfolio consisting of your three chosen stocks (equally weighted portfolio returns are simply the average of individual stock returns in that portfolio, rp = (r1 + r2 + r3)/3) and find the portfolio beta. Report regression output (including line fit plots and residual plots), assess the OLS assumptions and violations (if any) and discuss the estimated portfolio beta and the measure of fit of your regression. How does the measure of fit for the portfolio compares with the measures of fit for your individual stocks? Comment on portfolio diversification effect using your R2s.
Question C - Population Survey
Introduction - Each month the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor conducts the "Current Population Survey" (CPS), which provides data on labour force characteristics of the population, including the level of employment, unemployment, and earnings. Approximately 65,000 randomly selected U.S. households are surveyed each month. The sample is chosen by randomly selecting addresses from a database comprised of addresses from the most recent decennial census augmented with data on new housing units constructed after the last census. The exact random sampling scheme is rather complicated (first small geographical areas are randomly selected, then housing units within these areas randomly selected).
The file Assignment Data.xlsx, tab: Young Workers Survey contains the data from the survey. These data are for full-time workers, defined as workers employed more than 35 hours per week for at least 48 weeks in the previous year. Data are provided for workers whose highest educational achievement is (1) a high school diploma, and (2) a bachelor's degree.
Series in Data Set:
FEMALE: 1 if female; 0 if male
YEAR: Year
AHE: Average Hourly Earnings
BACHELOR: 1 if worker has a bachelor's degree; 0 if worker has a high school degree
Use the data in Assignment Data.xlsx, tab: Young Workers Survey to answer the following questions:
C1. Run a regression of average hourly earnings (AHE) on age (Age). Report Excel/Matlab output. What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? If Age increases from 25 to 26, how are earnings expected to change? If Age increases from 33 to 34, how are earnings expected to change?
C2. Run a regression of average hourly earnings (AHE) on age (Age), gender (Female), and education (Bachelor). Report Excel/Matlab output. What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? If Age increases from 25 to 26, how are earnings expected to change? If Age increases from 33 to 34, how are earnings expected to change?
C3. Are the results from the regression in C2 substantively different from the results in C1 regarding the effects of Age and AHE? Does the regression in C1 seem to suffer from omitted variable bias?
C4. Compare the fit of the regression in C1 and C2 using the regression standard errors, R^2 and R ¯^2. Why are the R2 and R ¯2 so similar in regression C2?
C5. Run a regression of the logarithm of average hourly earnings, ln(AHE) on Age, gender (Female), and education (Bachelor). Report Excel/Matlab output. What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? If Age increases from 25 to 26, how are earnings expected to change? If Age increases from 33 to 34, how are earnings expected to change?
C6. Run a regression of the logarithm of average hourly earnings, ln(AHE) on ln(Age), gender (Female), and education (Bachelor). Report Excel/Matlab output. What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? If Age increases from 25 to 26, how are earnings expected to change? If Age increases from 33 to 34, how are earnings expected to change?
C7. Run a regression of the logarithm of average hourly earnings, ln(AHE) on Age, Age2, gender (Female), and education (Bachelor). Report Excel/Matlab output. What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? What is the estimated effect of Age on earnings? If Age increases from 25 to 26, how are earnings expected to change? If Age increases from 33 to 34, how are earnings expected to change?
C8. Do you prefer the regression in C6 to the regression in C5? Explain.
C9. Do you prefer the regression in C7 to the regression in C5? Explain.
C10. Do you prefer the regression in C7 to the regression in C6? Explain.
C11. Plot the regression relation between Age and ln(AHE) from C5, C6, and C7 for males with a high school diploma. Describe the similarities and differences between the estimated regression functions. Would you answer change if you plotted the regression function for females with college degrees?
C12. Run a regression of ln(AHE), on Age, Age2, Female, Bachelor, and the interaction term Female × Bachelor. What does the coefficient on the interaction term measure? Alexis is a 30-year-old female with a bachelor's degree. What does the regression predict for her value of ln(AHE)? Jane is a 30-year-old female with a high school degree. What does the regression predict for her value of ln(AHE)? What is the predicted difference between Alexis's and Jane's earnings? Bob is a 30-year-old male with a bachelor's degree. What does the regression predict for his value of ln(AHE)? Jim is a 30-year-old male with a high school degree. What does the regression predict for his value of ln(AHE)? What is the predicted difference between Bob's and Jim's earnings?
C13. Is the effect of Age on earnings different for men than for women? Specify and estimate a regression that you can use to answer this question.
C14. Is the effect of Age on earnings different for high school graduates than for college graduates? Specify and estimate a regression that you can use to answer this question.
C15. After running all these regressions (and any others that you want to run), summarize the effect of age on earnings for young workers.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar