Write down the java code for the bank

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1386411

Write down the java code for the bank of Fraud. User is presented with menu which looks something like this: 1. Deposit 2. Withdrawal 3. Check Balance 4. Exit. User is asked to enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 to selectan option. Have program print out choice that they made. You wish to make at least 5 methods plus main method. You will require method for menu. The user must make choice in there and choice must be returned to main. Based on the choice, it must do one of the 4 options. Now 4 options will be methods. One will be to do deposit. Make deposit. Pass balance into it and add get deposit amount. Add deposit to balance and return new balance. Withdrawal works same way, except for withdrawing. Balance check will pass balance into it and then just show new balance. Of course, you can do exit one as you wish. This will all be handled in loop in main method.

Reference no: EM1386411

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