Write down the first order conditions of pareto efficiency

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM133007756

Question 1: Consider an economy with two individuals (1 and 2), a dirty good (X), a clean good (T), and labor as the only input to the production. The utility of each individual is defined as Ui(Xi,Ti,E) for i = 1, 2 where Xi and Ti are the consumption levels of the two goods and E is an exogenous (to the individual) level of pollution emissions. Production of X releases the emissions, E. The production of X can be defined as X = f(Lx,E), where both labor input Lx and emissions E have a positive marginal products. This specification treats emissions as an input, as the reduction of pollution reduces the output of X by decreasing the productive factor. The clean good T is only produced by labor input following the production function T = g(LT). Labor employed in the economy is constrained by the work time endowment L such that Lx + LT = L.

Answer the following question in (A) (i)-(iv), (B) (i)-(vi), and (C).

(A) Given the following analytical presentation of the Pareto Efficiency problem of the economy, answer the questions in (i)-(iv).

Pareto Efficiency:
          max                           U1(X1,T1,E) + λu [U2 (X2,T2, E) - U2‾] + λx.[f(Lx, E) - X1 - X2] + λT. [g (LT) - Tl - T2] - λL. [L - Lx - LT]
x1, X2,T1, T2, Lx, LT,E

where individual 1's utility is being maximized subject to the constraint that individual 2 obtains at least utility level of U2‾, and where λIJ, λx, λT and λL are the Lagrangian multipliers of the constraints.
(i) Write down the first order conditions of Pareto Efficiency problem.
(ii) Write down the expression (equation) for "efficiency in consumption."
(iii) Write down the expression (equation) for "efficiency in production."
(iv) Write down the expression (equation) for "efficiency in product mix."

(B) Suppose Px and PT denote the prices of X and T, respectively. Furthermore, let the price of labor be W and the income of person i is Yi.
(i) For individual i, write down the utility maximization problem and the first order conditions.
(ii) Write down the expression (equation) for "efficiency in consumption."
(iii) Write down the profit maximization problem of firm T and its first order condition.
(iv) Write down the profit maximization problem of firm X and its first order conditions.
(v) Write down the expression (equation) for "efficiency in production."
(vi) Write down the expression (equation) for "efficiency in product mix."

(C) Rewrite the first order conditions for emission (from part (A) and (B)) and then make a comparison of the efficient allocation of emissions in (A) and (B).

Reference no: EM133007756

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