Write down the definitions for the member functions

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1327441

Use the following shell class SList, and complete its implementation as per the guidance in points 1 through 5. Read the documentation on the member function declarations carefully.

public class SList
// Methods
public void insert(int item);
// Pre: The list is not full
// item is not in the list
// Post: item is in the list; the items are in sorted order
public void printList()
// Post: If the list is not empty, the elements are
// printed on the screen; otherwise "The list
// is empty" is printed on the screen
public int getLength()
// Post: return value is the number of items in the list
public boolean isEmpty()
// Post: returns true if list is empty; false otherwise
public boolean isFull()
// Post: returns true if there is no more room in the
// list; false otherwise
SList(int maxItems)
// Constructor
// Post: Empty list is created with maxItems cells
// Data fields
private int numItems;
private int[] values;

1: Write the definitions for the member functions.

2: Write a driver program that reads values from file int.dat, stores them in the list, and prints them on the screen.

3: Add a boolean method "contains" to class SList that returns true if its parameter is in the list and false otherwise. Use the binary search algorithm.

4: Add a private variable currentItem to the list and implement these method headings. This combination allows the user to view the list items, one at a time.

public void resetList()
// Set currentItem to 0
public String next()
// Returns the item at values[currentItem]
// Increments currentItem
public boolean hasNext()
// Returns true if currentItem is not equal to numItems

5: Augment the driver in point 2 to demonstrate how to use resetList, hasNext, and next to print the list.

Reference no: EM1327441

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