Write down specification for the adt as a java interface

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Reference no: EM133099


Consider an ADT called square matrix. (The Matrix can be represented by a 2-dimensional array of integers with n rows and n columns)

a) write down specification for the ADT as a java interface. Include following operations. (Parameters are already listed for the first two operations; for remaining operation you have to determine which parameters to use yourself. As part of the exercise)-

Make Empty (n), which sets the first n rows and columns to zero.

Store Values (I. j. value), which stores values into the positions at row column j

Add, which adds two matrices together

Subtract, Which Subtracts one matrix from another

Copy, Which copies one matrix from another

b) generate a java class that implements the interface; suppose a maximum size 50 rows and columns.

c) Generate a small application that uses class.

Reference no: EM133099

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