Write down an sql statement

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133106


1. Write down an SQL statement to show tables owned by user newYear.

2. Write down an SQL statement to show the number of tables owned by user newYear.

3. Write down an SQL statement to show the column names, null characteristics, and data types of books table.

4. Write down an SQL statement to show the column names, null characteristics, and data type of author table.

5. Make a full-table scan on the promotion table.

6. Write down an SQL statement to display each shipping date for customer 1005 from the orders table. Display both the customer number and the shipping date.

7. Describe customers table.

8. Write down an SQL statement to present the titles of all books that cost at least 25 dollars.

9. Write down an SQL statement to present the titles of all books that cost at least 25 dollars and the category is computer

Reference no: EM133106

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