Write down an essay about how the brain creates the self

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM134569

Patricia Hampl Daniel Schacter and "Memory and Imagination" "Of Time and Autobiography"

Q. Hampl's essay focuses on the responsibility of memory in the ongoing creation of self and identity. In many of the readings in this casebook, the self is recreated when brain function is disrupted. Drawing on at least three of these readings, write down an essay about how the brain "creates" the self. How does a healthy brain enable us to make our sense of self? How can a damaged brain re-create this sense of self?

Creating a sense of self

1. Selects an event: the piano lesson pg. 784

2. The memory was there from the start, she claims, "waiting for me"

Recreating a sense of self

3. "We store in memory only images of value. The value can be lost over the passage of time."

4. Details to fill in the gaps

5. Questioning authority by authority, does she mean memory?

6. "My father left me to discover the piano


Creating a sense of self

1. Mentions Mildred Howard, who created her sense of self through art, using photographs.

Recreating a sense of self

1. Cues, engrams

2. "The idea that all experiences are recorded forever

Reference no: EM134569

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