Write down an automated checkout program

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133210


This is only necessary to be done in Raptor Flow Chart 

A local department store hires you to write down an automated checkout program to expedite customers in a hurry. The checkout line can only accept 5 items for any one purchase. Plan a program that asks for the price of each item, and then displays the subtotal of the sale, the amount of the sales tax and the total. The sales tax is six percent.

Accept your RAPTOR source code file with comments added to each line or where necessary to explain program flow. Also submit flowchart of your working program.
Make sure you run it to make sure it is error free and does what it is supposed to.

You can use generate dropdown to create example C++ code based on your working logical flow chart to see what code would look like.

Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and comprise comments as required.

Reference no: EM133210

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