Write down a sql statement to display the major of students

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13469511

Query 1: Write a SQL statement to display Students' First and Last Name.

Query 2: Write a SQL statement to display the Major of students with no duplications. Do not display student names.

Query 3: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 88888.

Query 4: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 88888 and have the major of Biology.

Query 5: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 88888 or 88808. Do not use IN.

Query 6: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who have the major of Biology or Math. Use the SQL command IN.

Query 7: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who have the Status greater than 1 and less than 10. Use the SQL command BETWEEN.

Query 8: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who have a last name that starts with an S.

Query 9: Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students having an a in the second position in their first names.

Query 10: Write a SQL expression to display the Status and a sum of the Status of each Status value as SumOfStatus. Group by Status and display the results in descending order of SumOfStatus.











555 Ohio Road







32 3rd Ave







511 Easy streer







54 Main Street



Reference no: EM13469511

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