Write dissertations and literature reviews

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13957373 , Length: 40 Pages

Type : Dissertations/Literature Reviews ( Master's level)
Pages/ words : 40 pages / 10000 words
Writing style : APA writing style of citation 

I have noted some research topics that are advised for the Dissertation and have put the preferred ones in bold. Could you review them and let me know if these are topics you could work on? Also may I ask, would there be a possibility of interacting with the process of your work or would I just get to read the essay when it is finished? I would feel more comfortable seeing a draft of the work before it's completed and supervise/guide it if necessary.
Mindfulness-oriented approaches - including in terms of trainee/practitioner development
Body-oriented approaches and forms of 'knowing'
Role of personal development in trainees/practitioners
Transference/countertransference - concepts and experience
Spiritual/religious dimensions of therapy or experience
Therapeutic relationships & relational depth
Generally phenomenologically-oriented research interests
Virtual therapies – the therapeutic use of computer gaming and virtual reality environments to enhance mental health
Anxiety problems especially social anxiety
Self-concept/core beliefs/ identity
Resilience in therapists/clients
Therapy and promotion of happiness
Experiences of trainee counselling psychologists
Therapists experiences in and outside the counselling room/ use of self
Personal and professional development
Pluralistic therapy
Generally qualitative investigations of various issues
Improving professional practice in counselling psychology
Personal resilience: Professional robustness
acceptance based psychological therapies

Reference no: EM13957373

Questions Cloud

Decrease variable costs on the income : Which of the following can decrease variable costs on the income statement?
How does the balance scorecard measure : How does the balance scorecard measure how effectively your company is working it's assets?
Addressed by a functional manager : Which of the following is a question likely to be addressed by a functional manager? Is there enough capacity to supply demand in this market? What will the other companies do with their product lines next year? In two years?
Public health : As the need for public health systems grows and changes throughout the world, an imperative need exists to improve those systems. Because of this, health care services must undergo evaluation in order to find gaps and opportunities for enhancement.
Write dissertations and literature reviews : I have noted some research topics that are advised for the Dissertation and have put the preferred ones in bold. Could you review them and let me know if these are topics you could work on? Also may I ask, would there be a possibility of interacting ..
The acceptancce rate for applications : Two Psychology majors, in 2 different section of Clinical Psychology, were comparing test scores. The follwing gives the students
Unique island continent separated from most land : Then write a 2 page reflection paper describing that article using APA format. Please write the reflection paper as if it were going to be the content for a traveler's website (e.g., Trip Advisor). Be sure to explain why the article provides inf..
What is the internal resistance r of the battery : A battery with 12-V emf has a terminal voltage of 11.4 V. When it delivers a delivers a current of 20 A to the starter of a car. What is the internal resistance r of the battery?
Truman proclamation concerning territorial ocean : To what extent do current conflicts over water territoriality have their roots in Truman's proclamation? Consider, for example, the current territorial disputes between China and Japan in the East China Sea.


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