Write digital technology plan for fictitious small business

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131477462


Objective: Write a digital technology plan for a fictitious small business. You will expand your knowledge & understanding of digital technology AND demonstrate your mastery of MS Word concepts by writing a technology plan for a fictitious small business. Selecting technology and information management tools and demonstrating proficiency with application software and hardware are important measures of computer literacy.

The technology plan you create will describe the small business and provide an overview of how the business will utilize digital technology to support their operations. You must use CREDIBLE SOURCES- TEXTBOOKS, GOVERNMENT WEBSITES OR JOURNALS ONLY - to justify your technology choices. In addition, the technology plan will include foundational definitions and descriptions of the technology concepts covered in your course textbook.

** This assignment must be completed using MS Word. In addition to providing an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of how technology can be used to support business operations, this assignment also assesses your proficiency with MS Word. You can use the computers on campus if you do not have access to a PC with MS Word.

Technology Plan Structure: Cover page (the cover page is NOT page 1); page 1 will contain the Table of Contents only; the remaining pages will include the technology plan content and technology concept descriptions; the last page will contain the References list only.

Formatting and Proofing Requirements:

1. Your report must be typed, double-spaced with page numbers, and justified alignment.

2. Must include a cover page, using the MS Word cover page feature, with the following assignment information:

a. Your full name, the current date, the course number, the time your class meets, and your business name

3. Must include a table of contents using the MS Word table of contents feature (requires the use of Heading 1 styles).

4. Must include a picture or image that is centered with wrapped text and a distinctive picture style.

5. Must include a picture or image that is right aligned with wrapped text and a caption.

6. Must include a table that you created with rows and columns that is formatted with a distinctive table style.

7. You must include in-line citations (APA format) and a properly formatted References list (APA format) which includes all sources reference, including the class textbook and the person you interviewed.

8. Must include at least 5 sources made up of: the class textbook, at least 1 government source, 2 journal articles, and the person you interviewed. Include any other additional sources that you used. All book and article sources must have specific authors.

9. Wikipedia or any other "wiki" sources cannot be used. Blog sources cannot be used.

10. Spellcheck your plan using the MS Word spellchecker and grammar checker. Make any necessary corrections.

11. Proofread your plan to identify context and grammar errors that were not detected by MS Word.

Include the following information in your Technology Plan:

Section Technology Plan Section Requirements

Business Overview

1. description of business including business name, mission, location, years in business, target market, annual sales

2. employee job titles and descriptions - at least 4 employees; must include a bookkeeper or accountant

3. products/services provided

Digital Devices

1. identify, describe, and explain at least 3 digital devices or concepts from chapter 2

2. identify, describe, and explain at least 3 digital devices or concepts from chapter 6

3. description of at least 5 digital devices that will be used to support business operations; this must include:

i. processing devices (computers, tablets, smartphones etc.)
ii. input devices
iii. output devices
iv. storage devices (optional)

4. for the processing devices (computers, tablets, etc.) identify and provide specific details about the CPU, memory, and storage features of each device that you have chosen

5. explanation of which employees will use each device and what they will use it for

6. justify your choices by using credible sources and relevant and proper terminology; include in-line citations for sources

7. Digital Devices Information Layout: Use the following layout to describe each digital device that your company will use:

Device Category (select 1 from the list): Input OR Output OR Processing OR Storage Specific Device Name: Specific Manufacturer:

Cost: Quantity Needed:

Device Description:

OS (for processing devices only):

Application Software the device will run (for processing devices only): PICTURE of the device:

Web Presence

1. identify, describe, and explain at least 3 web related concepts from chapter 3.

2. detailed description of how your business will utilize the Web to support business operations

3. discuss at least 3 Web related communication and collaboration tools as they relate to your business

4. discuss how your business will interact with e-commerce

5. justify your choices by using credible sources and relevant and proper terminology; include in-line citations for sources

Application Software

1. identify, describe, and explain at least 3 application concepts from chapter 4.

2. detailed descriptions of at least 4 specific programs or apps that will be used to support your business operations

3. must include at least one example of vertical market software that your business will use

4. do NOT include productivity software

5. for EACH program/app include the specific type (category) of application software; the name of the company that created the program/app; and the benefits of using the program/app

6. justify your choices by using credible sources and relevant and proper terminology; include in-line citations for sources

System Software

1. identify, describe, and explain at least 3 system software concepts from chapter 5.

2. detailed descriptions of the specific operating system software that will be used on each of your digital processing devices (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) indicated in the Digital Devices section

3. detailed descriptions of the 3 most important utility programs that will be used for your digital information and an explanation of the benefits of using each of the utilities

4. justify your choices by using credible sources and relevant and proper terminology; include in-line citations for sources


1. identify, describe, and explain at least 3 digital security concepts from chapter 9

2. detailed description of how you will protect/secure your digital data

3. detailed description of how you will protect/secure your digital devices

4. use relevant and proper terminology

5. justify your choices by using credible sources and relevant and proper terminology; include in-line citations for sources

Technology Budget Include a budget that includes the costs for all of the software and devices that your business will need to operate.
Interview Interview an industry associate about their relationship to the industry and about how technology is used within the industry. See additional instructions on Blackboard.

Reference no: EM131477462

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