Write description of the evidence-based practice

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Reference no: EM132011929

Assignment 1: Evidence-Based Practice Implementation-Anticipating Results

In exploring the NREPP registry last week, you may have noticed that the evidence-based interventions are rated on the basis of readiness for dissemination. A highly rated evidence-based practice is one that social workers can successfully implement in practice. Many social workers attempt to implement an evidence-based practice that seems to be strongly supported by research, only to become frustrated or confused when their efforts do not yield the same positive results as the research. This discrepancy can occur because they failed to recognize the differences between conditions in their practice environment and the conditions of the study. Moreover, they may have failed to consider and adequately plan for issues that arise during implementation.

To prepare for this Assignment, using one of the evidence-based registries from the resources, identify an evidence-based practice that may be applicable to your field of practice. Review two research articles demonstrating the effectiveness of the evidence-based practice. Note any similarities or differences between the conditions in which the evidence-based practice was implemented in the study and the conditions in which you plan to implement it.

Submit a 4-page paper that analyzes the implementation of the evidence-based practice in your field of practice to determine if you can expect similar results to the research. The paper should include the following:

• A description of the evidence-based practice that you selected including:

• The population for which the evidence-based practice is intended

• The problems for which the evidence-based practice is intended to address

• A summary of the evidence from the research articles that demonstrate the evidence-based practice's effectiveness

• An explanation of any differences between the conditions of the study and the conditions on your practice. Explain the potential impact these differences could have on successful implementation.

• A description of the steps that would be required to implement the evidence-based practice including:

• Any factors that would support each step and how you would leverage them

• Any factors that would limit or hinder each step and how you would mitigate them

• A conclusion that includes:

• Anticipated results of the implementation in your practice setting

• An explanation of whether they will be similar or different from the research results from the articles

Reference no: EM132011929

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