Write cross-reference program which builds a data structure

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596544

Write a cross-reference program which builds a data structure with all words included from a text file and records the line numbers on which these words were used. These line numbers should be stored in a list with no duplicates. After the input file has been processed, print in alphabetical order all the words of the text file along with the corresponding list of numbers of the lines in which the words occur.

Use the Project Template to prompt for filename(s) to process.

Download the class ScannerWithLineno.java to help you retrieve line number information.

Run your program on the Alice in Wonderland text file. Put all your code in a package called alice.

Email me a zip file of your alice package with the Alice in Wonderland text file so I may run it on my eclipse.

Use the data structures described in Chapter 21 only. Do not reinvent any new data structures; import the Java Collection Frameworks from java.util.

Hint: I envision a TreeMap<String, LinkedHashSet<String>> as the underlining data structure.

Reference no: EM131596544

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