Write critical analysis based on scientific information

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Reference no: EM131260445

1 # at first the teacher will give us a paper to write what is our project title ( which is something related in engineering matter that the student have to study and make some change to develop or make change or idea that can solve issue or make benefit to the industrial ) The attachment Mine Previous Assignment Tariq RM Proposal . i need to fill the questions in that paper : project title + brief description of the project + duration of completing the CW 1+ CW 2+ Presentation.

2 # After the teacher see the project title and approve it by him and the collage adviser he will give me a case study related to my project title from his web or somewhere but will be the same idea like my topic choice just he will need me to do a study it like in the below instruction from . The attachment Mine Previous Assignment RM CW 1 , in this part there is ( Task 1 + Task 2 )

Task 1:

Task1: A technical paper will be given to the student by his/her Project Supervisor or Module tutor and he/she will be required to write a critical analysis and an abstract based on the scientific information available in the paper.


The Abstract must contain description of the topic, important applications of the topic, brief description about previous literature present in the paper, methodology adopted by the author, important results obtained and conclusions derived from the results. The word count is limited to 250.

TASK- 2: Visit the Library & Resource Center, e-brary and Internet sites and look for the literature like books, e-books, journal/conference papers, report, articles, videos etc., (preferably) related to the project topic or area. For this literature found, write the in-text citation and prepare the reference in CCE-Harvard referencing style.

There must be:3 Library books or E-library books,5 Journal or Conference Papers/Reports or Magazine Articles etc., 2 Web based resource like websites, electronic report, videos etc.


Max Marks

In text Citations

For the ten citations, 2 mark each for correct in-text citations

10x2 = 20


For the corresponding 10 References, 3 mark each for correct listing of references to confirm to the CCE- Harvard Referencing style.

10x3 = 30

Total 50

Suggestive format for the Task 2


Type of Resource

Citation (In-text) -CCE Harvard Style

Reference List Entry


Journal Paper

(Trefts & Blaksee, 2000)

Trefts, K. & Blaksee, S., 2000. Did you hear the one about Boolean operators? Incorporating comedy into library instruction. Reference Services Review. 28 (4). p. 369-378.









3 # Now start the CW 2 to complete what was took the title topic and follow the below steps the write the report


A critical study report of the project work undertaken and done during RM stage has to be presented in this coursework and shall be called the critical study report. This report should have a clear start beginning with the introduction to the project and end at the pre-design stage. Information within submissions should also be logical and well grouped. Students are advised to follow the instructions given below to present the Critical Study Report.

Critical Study Report should be structured and submitted in the order as given below:

1. 3 cover sheets - front page

2. 1st page - Details of the Project (as per template given in page 4)

3. Turnitin report

4. Project Risk Assessment form

5. Formal Project Proposal (Approved)

6. Abstract

7. Table of contents

8. List of Figures

9. List of Tables

10. List of Symbols

11. Chapter 1: Introduction

12. Chapter 2: Literature review

13. Chapter 3: Data Analysis/ Pre-Design

14. Conclusion

15. Future work to be carried out in Technical Project.

16. Gantt Chart

17. References

All the contents taken from the external sources such as internet, journals and text books must be compulsorily cited and the corresponding references should be included in the reference page. Text contents without proper citation will be considered as plagiarism and students may need to face disciplinary action as per college policy.

Students are expected to present the following contents under each heading:


The Abstract may contain description of the topic, need of the present study, important applications of the topic, brief description about previous literatures, predesign, future work to be carried out in Technical Project and conclusions. The word count is limited to 250.

Chapter 1: Introduction

The introduction may contain overall view of the topic, Identification of the need, Problem description, Objectives, Scope, Value & Importance of the research and feasibility study.

The student may provide introduction to the research problems pertaining to the project with detailed explanation.

Chapter 2: Literature review

The students are expected to critically evaluate minimum of five previous literatures pertaining to their project topic that contain key finding of previous authors such as methodology adopted, parameters used, results obtained and important conclusions along with shortcomings / gap areas. In text citation must be made without fail. The in text citation and referencing should be in CCE Harvard referencing style. This chapter should precisely link the present study to the collected literature with gap areas identified. Finally a chapter summary may be presented.

Chapter 3: Data Analysis / Pre-Design

Students may provide statistical tools planned to use in Technical Project (TP), 2-D, 3-D drawings, Proposed model/ circuit diagram, other data interpretations using graphs, surveys results, case studies, research plans, activity flow charts, Gantt charts etc. The outcome of this chapter would be useful to do the experimentation, fabrication and associated detailed analysis of the research problem during TP stage. Finally a chapter summary may be presented.

Conclusion & Future work:

The conclusion made in the report should correlate with the aims and objectives of the project.

Future works planned for Technical Project stage are to be mentioned.

Instructions for presentation in MS Word

• The Critical Study Report must be neatly typed using any word processing software package.

o Paper: White A4 sheet, typed on only one side.

o Margin: Left 1.5", top 1", right 1" and bottom 1".

• Typing:

o Body text: Arial, size 11,

o Colour: Black

o Chapter Title: Impact (Upper Case), size 16, Aligned to left side ( e.g. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW )

o Main Heading: Arial Bold, size 12 (e.g. 2.1 Solar System)

o Sub Heading: Arial Bold, size 11 (e.g. 2.1.1 Position )

o The title of each chapter will be designated by Numeric like CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2 ... etc. The sections of a chapter will be numbered using decimal type notations, e.g., 3.2 refers to the second section of chapter 3.

o Figure and Table captions: Arial, size 11

§ Decimal type notations will be used for numbering the figures/photos, charts, tables and drawings in a chapter (e.g. Figure 3.1, Chart 3.1, Table 3.1 etc.)

§ Equations should also be numbered in decimal type notation within the brackets, e.g: (3.1).

o Appendixes will be numbered with capital Roman numerical, e.g. Appendix I, Appendix II .....etc.

• The pages carrying Abstract, Table of contents, List of Figures, List of tables, nomenclature will be numbered by using one set of small roman numerical (i, ii, iii...).

o Footer: Page numbers at the bottom right hand side (e.g: 29 - for page number 29 in the report).

o Header: Chapter name & title in Arial, Italic, 9 point font size on right side

• Paragraph alignments:

o Paragraphs: Justified

o Spacing: Before 6pt, After 6pt

o Line spacing: 1.5 line spacing

• Binding:

o The report must be stapled and bound using ‘tape' type binder

This all info from CW 2 in attachment Mine Previous Assignment RM-CW 2 OR CW 2 CONTENT

Verified Expert

As per the requirement of the assignment Coursework 1, task 1 is supplied for 1800 words on topic Design Modification of Through Split Flow Steam Generator. The projects discusses about the generation of steam and the methodology uses Sulfur and gases for generating steam. The paper is prepared following the example provided by you (a paper of one of your friend). The assignment has an abstract, critical analysis, methodology, conclusion. Bibliography is provided in APA format, grammar followed- US English.

Reference no: EM131260445

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10/28/2016 6:00:56 AM

Finally . i will attach some folders by title ( Friend 1 + Friend 2 + Friend 3 ) those are my Friend work was done before last semester it will give the perfect idea how to do this assignment. any doubts or more explanation please feel free to contact me


10/28/2016 6:00:33 AM

Please check us know what is price for CW1 and what is price for whole project Following are the attachments. The tutor can refer them and decide the word limit. There are samples given CW1 sample is given CW2, final report. So just tell him to have look at it. And let me know if he can do the assignment or not. And tell him don't copy from the samples it should be original as attachments are just given for reference.

Write a Review

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